Sunday 15 April 2012

Box Vs. Field

The difference in box and field lacrosse is like day and night. I'll go over just some of the basic differences between the two...

To start off, box lacrosse is mainly played in Canada and is played indoors on either a concrete floor or indoor turf floor.

Both have the goal of trying to score on the opposing team's goal, but field has 10 players including the goalie (3 attack, 3 midfield and 3 defense) whereas box has 6 players including the goalie.

Field Lacrosse is much bigger in the upper eastern U.S, and is layed out as shown in the top image, below. Box lacrosse is layed out like such in the bottom image...

To start, the nets of a box lacrosse net are 4x4 whereas the nets of field lacrosse are 6x6. As you can see from the picture below it may seem much more difficult to score in box lacrosse, but because of the way Field is played, it is equally difficult and just an overall different style of play.

Box vs Field

Another huge difference is the way the contact is allowed and played. In box lacrosse you are allowed to cross check the opposing player while he is in your defensive zone and the opposing team has the ball. In field lacrosse you are allowed to slash on any hand connected to the stick and you must "push" with two hands together.

The basic differences are...
  • size of playing area
  • size of net
  • amount of players on field
  • ways in which contact is used

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