Sunday 15 April 2012


My personal favourite part of Lacrosse and the position I'll be playing in College. A faceoff is taken at the beginning of every quarter and after every goal scored. Overall there is usually about 20-30 faceoffs in a game.

The point is to use technique taught/learned in the most efficient manner to gain possession of the ball for your team.

A fast break can be started off the faceoff and quick goals can be scored or the ball can be placed in a spot for a wingman or the draw man to get the ground ball and control possession.

Below is some faceoff essentials given by Eck, Boston Cannon's draw man.


Here are a couple of many different ways the faceoff can be won, again given by Eck.

The Clamp

The Rake

The Jam

These are three very popular moves that, when used properly, can win you possession and can be used as an offensive threat. 

There are many little variations that players can make in their stance, hand position and technique but it is whatever the person is most comfortable with and feels is most efficient to them.

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